John 9:35–41 - 35 Jesus heard that they had put him out, and finding him, He said, “Do you believe in the Son of Man?” 36 He answered, “Who is He, Lord, that I may believe in Him?” 37 Jesus said to him, “You have both seen Him, and He is the one who is talking with you.” 38 And he said, “Lord, I believe.” And he worshiped Him. 39 And Jesus said, “For judgment I came into this world, so that those who do not see may see, and that those who see may become blind.” 40 Those of the Pharisees who were with Him heard these things and said to Him, “We are not blind too, are we?” 41 Jesus said to them, “If you were blind, you would have no sin; but since you say, ‘We see,’ your sin remains.
What does today’s passage say?
In today's passage, Jesus sought out the man He had healed of blindness after learning the religious leaders had expelled him. Jesus asked if the man trusted in the Son of Man (vv. 35-37). When Jesus revealed His identity as the Son of Man, the healed man declared his faith and fell to his knees to worship Jesus (v. 38). Jesus stated that His purpose was to give spiritual understanding to humble people who admit their lack of wisdom, unlike proud ones who arrogantly assert they fully grasp truth already (v. 39). Some Pharisees nearby asked if Jesus was implying they were ignorant. Jesus responded that their refusal to recognize Him showed they were culpable for their spiritual blindness (vv. 40-41).
How can I apply John 9:35-41 to my life?
Jesus found the man He had healed from blindness after the religious leaders threw him out of the synagogue. While others rejected him, Jesus sought him out. This personal encounter between Jesus and the healed man exposes the heart of what it means to find true spiritual sight. Some people walk through their whole lives with perfect physical vision yet remain spiritually blind. Others, like this man who spent years in darkness, discover that admitting their blindness opens the door to seeing Jesus as He really is. The religious leaders had studied Scripture their entire lives, but their pride kept them from recognizing God's Son standing right in front of them. Physical sight or religious knowledge cannot substitute for genuine faith that bows down to worship Jesus as Lord. This passage hits hard at our tendency to trust in our own spiritual understanding instead of coming to Jesus with simple, honest faith. The healed man's straightforward response to Jesus cuts through all the complicated religious arguments to show us what real belief looks like. His story challenges us to examine whether we are truly seeing Jesus or just pretending we can see. Here are some basic principles from this passage that we should apply to our lives:
1. Respond To Jesus' Call (vv. 35-37): Jesus sought out the healed blind man to ask him about his belief in the Son of Man. Each person needs to give a personal answer to Jesus' direct question about faith. The same Jesus who found this man still finds people today, revealing Himself through His Word, through other believers, and through life circumstances. When He speaks to your heart about following Him, the time for action is now. God brings these moments into our lives when we must choose to say yes or no to Jesus. Some hear His voice through reading the Bible, others through a friend's words, and still others through their life situations. Jesus does not force anyone to believe - He presents the truth and waits for a response. Just as the blind man had to decide what to do with Jesus' revelation of Himself, every person faces this same decision point. The way a person answers determines their eternal destiny. Those who put off responding to Jesus risk hardening their hearts to His voice. The blind man's openness to Jesus led him to fuller understanding and true faith. His example shows that honest questions and genuine seeking lead to spiritual growth. God values authenticity more than perfect understanding. When Jesus makes Himself known, the proper response is to tell Him "Yes, I believe." An immediate, honest reply opens the door to a deeper relationship with Him. Taking too long to respond or trying to figure everything out first can become a form of rejection (Matthew 11:28-30; Revelation 3:20; Hebrews 3:7-8).
Food for Thought: What keeps you from responding immediately when Jesus speaks to your heart? How has Jesus revealed Himself to you personally, and what was your response?
2. Recognize Jesus as Lord and Worship Him (v. 38): The healed man's response to Jesus moved beyond intellectual knowledge and belief to heartfelt worship. True faith leads to worship because we see Jesus for who He really is - the divine Son of God who deserves our complete devotion. People today often want Jesus as a helper or guide but stop short of giving Him total control as Lord. Yet partial commitment falls short of what Jesus wants from His followers. When we grasp who Jesus is, bowing down in worship becomes our natural reaction. Worship goes far beyond singing songs on Sunday mornings - it shapes how we spend our time, money, and energy. Real worship affects our daily choices, leading us to put Jesus first in our careers, relationships, and life goals. The blind man's immediate response shows authentic worship does not hold back or make excuses. He did not worry about what others thought or try to maintain his dignity. His actions demonstrated that encountering Jesus changes everything about how we live. Following Jesus as Lord means giving Him authority over every area of life - our thoughts, words, actions, and attitudes. Many people claim to believe in Jesus but their lives show little evidence of His lordship. True worship always produces change - in our values, priorities, and behavior. When we really see Jesus for who He is, holding anything back becomes impossible. Living under His lordship brings freedom rather than restriction because we were created to worship Him. The blind man's example challenges us to examine whether our belief has led to complete surrender and genuine worship (Philippians 2:9-11; Romans 10:9-10; Colossians 2:6-7).
Food for Thought: What areas of your life have you not fully surrendered to Jesus as Lord? How does your daily life demonstrate that Jesus is your Lord?
3. Choose Spiritual Sight Over Self-Righteousness (vv. 39-41): Jesus spoke about spiritual blindness versus true sight, making it clear that those who think they see are often the most blind. Some of the most spiritually blind people fill church pews every Sunday, confident in their religious knowledge yet missing the transforming power of Jesus. The Pharisees stand as a warning - learned men who studied Scripture their whole lives but could not see God standing right in front of them. Their pride built a wall so thick that even witnessing miracles did not break through their self-righteous shell. Nothing has changed. Religious people today still stumble over this same obstacle. They stack up their good deeds like building blocks, creating towers of self-righteousness that actually block their view of Jesus. The path to true spiritual sight begins in an unexpected place - total surrender of our perceived goodness. God's grace flows most freely to those who stop pretending they can see. A broken person crying out "I am blind!" sees more clearly than a seminary professor who has memorized the entire Bible but never bowed his heart to Jesus. Self-righteousness sneaks into our lives in subtle ways. It shows up when we mentally list our spiritual accomplishments, when we look down our noses at "those sinners," or when we give ourselves credit for our good choices instead of thanking God for His grace. Real spiritual vision grows stronger as we admit our desperate need for Jesus to guide every step. The shocking truth is that people who claim perfect vision often stumble in complete darkness, while those who acknowledge their blindness walk confidently in God's light. Our spiritual sight stays clear only when we remain painfully aware that without Jesus, we cannot see anything at all (James 4:6; Luke 18:9-14; 1 Corinthians 1:26-29).
Food for Thought: How does spiritual pride show up in your life and relationships? In what ways do you need Jesus to help you see more clearly?
The story of the healed blind man presents a powerful picture of true spiritual sight. His encounter with Jesus teaches a great lesson about authentic faith. While religious leaders stayed trapped in their spiritual blindness, this man's humble response to Jesus led him from physical healing to spiritual transformation and salvation. His journey from darkness to light shows the path every believer must take. Real faith starts with responding to Jesus when He calls. It grows as we bow before Him as Lord and give Him complete control of our lives. Most importantly, it thrives when we stay humble and honest about our total dependence on Him for spiritual sight. The same Jesus who sought out this man still searches for people today, ready to open blind eyes and change lives forever. The choice stands before each person - to admit spiritual blindness and find true sight in Jesus, or to remain stuck in self-righteous darkness. Those who come to Jesus with simple trust and genuine worship discover the authentic spiritual vision that transforms every aspect of life. His light exposes our pretense and pride while guiding us into a deeper relationship with Him.
Dear Heavenly Father,
I pray that You would give me the wisdom to recognize when I am being spiritually blind like the Pharisees. I know it is easy to trust in my own religious knowledge and good works instead of fully depending on Jesus. I pray that You would break down any walls of pride or self-righteousness in my heart that block me from seeing Jesus clearly. Like the healed blind man, I want to respond with immediate faith when Jesus reveals Himself to me. I pray that You would help me hear Your voice through Your Word and through the circumstances of my life.
Lord, I pray that You would deepen my worship of Jesus as my Lord. Show me any areas of my life where I have held back from giving Him complete control. Give me courage to bow down before Him regardless of what others might think. I pray that You would expose any fake spiritual sight in my life and replace it with authentic vision that comes from walking closely with Jesus. Help me stay honest about my desperate need for His guidance in every area.
Father, I pray that You would make me quick to admit when I cannot see clearly and ready to receive fresh spiritual sight from Jesus. Guard me against the subtle invasion of religious pride. Transform my daily choices to show that Jesus truly is Lord of my life. Let my example point others to the true spiritual sight that comes only through faith in Him.
I pray these things in the most precious name of Jesus, Amen.
John 9:38 - And he said, “Lord, I believe.” And he worshiped Him.
With His Blessings,
Pastor Corby