John 1:43–51 - 43 The next day He purposed to go into Galilee, and He found Philip. And Jesus said to him, “Follow Me.” 44 Now Philip was from Bethsaida, of the city of Andrew and Peter. 45 Philip found Nathanael and said to him, “We have found Him of whom Moses in the Law and also the Prophets wrote—Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.” 46 Nathanael said to him, “Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?” Philip said to him, “Come and see.” 47 Jesus saw Nathanael coming to Him, and said of him, “Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom there is no deceit!” 48 Nathanael said to Him, “How do You know me?” Jesus answered and said to him, “Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you.” 49 Nathanael answered Him, “Rabbi, You are the Son of God; You are the King of Israel.” 50 Jesus answered and said to him, “Because I said to you that I saw you under the fig tree, do you believe? You will see greater things than these.” 51 And He said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, you will see the heavens opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.”
What does today’s passage say?
In today's passage, Jesus traveled into Galilee where He found Philip. With direct purpose, He commanded Philip to join Him as a follower - which Philip did without hesitation (vv. 43-44). Philip then found his friend Nathanael and told him that he had found the Scriptures had foretold – the Messiah – and that it was Jesus of Nazareth. Nathanael sarcastically answered asking if anything good could come from such a place. Philip simply encouraged his friend to "Come see for yourself" (vv. 45-46). Before Nathanael even meets Him, Jesus calls out and acknowledging his honest character. Nathanael listened in awe as Jesus revealed things about him that Jesus should not have been able to know and his doubts turned to belief as he declared Jesus to be the Son of God. But Jesus wasn’t done - He promised him even more amazing spiritual revelations ahead - including visions of angels connecting heaven and earth (vv. 47-51).
How can I apply John 1:43-51 to my life?
Meeting Jesus changes everything. When Philip encountered Jesus, his life took a completely new direction. He went from living an ordinary life in Bethsaida to becoming one of Jesus' closest followers. The most amazing part? His first response was to find his friend Nathanael and bring him to meet Jesus too. The simple invitation "Come and see" still works today. People want real answers about Jesus, not complicated arguments. They want to know if He makes a difference in actual life - in dealing with work stress, family problems, and personal struggles. When you tell someone about how Jesus changed your life, you open the door for them to discover Him too. This passage shows us that Jesus knows us deeply and wants us to know Him. He saw straight into Nathanael's heart and promised him amazing spiritual experiences ahead. The same happens now - following Jesus leads to seeing God's work in ways we never expected. Our normal routines become filled with purpose. Our relationships gain eternal significance. Our everyday choices matter more than we know. Here are some basic principles from this passage that we should apply to our lives:
1. Follow Jesus and Discover His Purpose for Your Life (vv. 43-44): Jesus took the initiative to find Philip and called him to follow, marking the start of an extraordinary journey. God's call can shake up your entire life in an instant - or it might nudge you forward one small step at a time. That promotion you wanted? Maybe God has a different direction. Those college plans? His purpose might surprise you. Following Jesus means your everyday choices start looking different. The neighbor you used to avoid becomes someone who needs God's love. Your morning commute turns into prayer time. That difficult coworker becomes your mission field. God placed you exactly where you are - in this century, this town, this job, this family - for specific reasons. Think about it: Philip lived in Bethsaida with Andrew and Peter, creating a connection that God used to spread the gospel. Your connections matter too. Sometimes the road ahead looks foggy, and you cannot see where Jesus is leading. Other days, His path shines as clear as sunlight. Following Jesus often means letting go of your own plans - even good ones - to grab hold of something better. It takes time to learn His voice through prayer and Bible study. Other believers become your guides and encouragers along the way. Yes, following Jesus brings tough choices and unexpected turns, but nothing compares to the adventure of discovering why God created you and watching His purpose unfold in your life (Matthew 4:19-20, Luke 9:23-24, Ephesians 2:10).
Food for thought: What areas of your life need to change to put Jesus first? What skills or opportunities has God given you to serve Him today?
2. Invite Others to Meet Jesus and Witness His Power (vv. 45-46): Philip's excitement about finding Jesus led him straight to Nathanael with an invitation to come and see for himself. Telling others about Jesus starts with your story - messy parts and all. Maybe you battled addiction and found freedom, or perhaps you grew up in church but finally understood God's grace in your thirties. Big dramatic stories or quiet transformations - both matter. That person at work who notices you are different? They might be ready to hear why. Your next-door neighbor struggling with loss could need the hope you have found. Sometimes sharing your faith looks like bringing cookies to a new mom, or helping someone move, or sitting with them in the hospital waiting room. God uses ordinary moments to open extraordinary conversations. People will have doubts. Some might laugh or argue. Others will pepper you with hard questions you cannot answer. But you do not need perfect responses - you just need to be real about what Jesus means to you. The teenage cashier at the drive-through might become a believer because you showed kindness when she made mistakes. Your grumpy coworker might notice how you handle stress differently. That cousin who always mocks your faith? Keep loving him anyway. God put these specific people in your path. He can use your simple invitation - "come and see" - to change their eternal destiny. Your willingness to share could be the turning point in someone's journey to faith (Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 1:8, 1 Peter 3:15).
Food for thought: Who has God placed in your life that needs to know about Jesus? What keeps you from sharing your faith with others?
3. Experience the Blessings of Believing in Jesus (vv. 47-51): Jesus saw Nathanael's true character and promised him even greater revelations of God's glory. Faith in Jesus opens your spiritual eyes to see God working in ways you never noticed before. Small coincidences become divine appointments. Random acts of kindness turn into God-ordained moments. That unexpected phone call arrives just when you needed encouragement. The sunrise takes on new meaning as you grasp God's faithfulness. Your daily Bible reading speaks directly to your situation. A stranger's smile carries deeper significance. Even hard times look different through the lens of faith - the job loss that leads to a better position, the illness that brings your family closer, the conflict that teaches patience. God is constantly at work above and around you, moving pieces into place, orchestrating events, preparing paths. The more you trust Jesus, the more clearly you notice these moments. Your prayers become more bold and specific as you watch God answer them. You start expecting His involvement in every part of your life. Faith grows stronger each time you see His hand at work. Other believers become living proof of His power to change lives. Their stories build your confidence in God's promises. The Bible comes alive as you experience its truths firsthand. Problems that once overwhelmed you now become opportunities to trust God more deeply. Your relationship with Jesus transforms from religious duty into living adventure. Peace replaces worry. Hope pushes out fear. Joy shows up in unexpected places. The blessing of believing goes far beyond salvation - it changes how you view everything in life (John 14:12-14, Philippians 3:7-11, Hebrews 11:6).
Food for thought: What evidence of God's work have you seen in your life this week? How has your view of daily events changed since putting your faith in Jesus?
God uses simple encounters to spark eternal transformations. Philip and Nathanael's stories reveal what happens when ordinary people say "yes" to Jesus. Their lives shifted from everyday routines into a divine adventure filled with unexpected revelations and lasting purpose. A person's entire future can turn on one invitation to "come and see." Their example points to three life-changing truths we need today. Following Jesus launches us into His perfect plan for our lives - sometimes through big changes, other times in small steps forward. Sharing our faith opens doors for others to discover Jesus personally, often in the most unexpected ways. Believing in Jesus trains our eyes to spot God's fingerprints everywhere - in sunrise moments, chance meetings, and even life's toughest challenges. The choice to follow Jesus ripples through every part of life, affecting our choices, relationships, and eternal destiny. Right now, Jesus extends the same invitation He gave to Philip. He still works through regular people to reach their friends and neighbors. He still reveals Himself to searching hearts. The adventure of following Jesus surpasses anything we could plan for ourselves.
Dear Heavenly Father,
I come to you with thanks and praise for sending Jesus to take away my sins. His sacrifice makes eternal life possible. Please guide my steps closely as I seek to follow Him. Reveal the special purpose and plan you have for my life journey. Help me make choices that honor Christ, even when it means turning from my own goals. I pray that You would open doors for me to share with friends and family how believing in Jesus has forever changed me. When chances come to invite others to meet Him, let the right words flow. Soften the hearts of those listening, that they might receive the gospel. And Father, I pray that You would open my eyes each day to see your handiwork around me. In big and small ways, make me aware of how You answer prayer, arrange events, and bless through others. Father, I pray this while confessing that I often fall short. Your grace and mercy give me the strength to continue on. I pray that every circumstance I face will help me to become more like Jesus.
I pray these things in the most precious name of Jesus, Amen.
John 1:50 - Jesus answered and said to him, “Because I said to you that I saw you under the fig tree, do you believe? You will see greater things than these.”
With His Blessings,
Pastor Corby