James 5:1–6 - 1 Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries which are coming upon you. 2 Your riches have rotted and your garments have become moth-eaten. 3 Your gold and your silver have rusted; and their rust will be a witness against you and will consume your flesh like fire. It is in the last days that you have stored up your treasure! 4 Behold, the pay of the laborers who mowed your fields, and which has been withheld by you, cries out against you; and the outcry of those who did the harvesting has reached the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth. 5 You have lived luxuriously on the earth and led a life of wanton pleasure; you have fattened your hearts in a day of slaughter. 6 You have condemned and put to death the righteous man; he does not resist you. What does today’s passage say? In today’s passage, James pronounces coming misery upon the ungodly rich who have accumulated wealth through injustice and self-indulgence (vv. 1-3). They kept back wages from laborers harvesting their fields and lived in luxury and self-gratification without caring for the poor (vv. 4-6). Their worthless treasure hoarded unjustly will rot away and God’s righteous judgment awaits them for their proud indifference to oppression and need around them (vv. 1-6). How can I apply James 5:1-6 to my life? James confronts wealthy unbelievers living in self-centered luxury while defrauding workers and ignoring the suffering poor. This sober warning against calloused greed and indulgence still speaks volumes to Christ’s followers today. Though few may oppress employees or flaunt riches as extremely as these first-century exploiters, many silently harbor affection for things over people and self over God. This passage puts worldly wealth and waste under the spotlight, reminding believers that building bigger barns or fatter accounts often breeds complacency toward those struggling in poverty and hardship. Instead of numbly accepting cultural norms of comfort and abundance, James calls Christians to reject activism and align compassion with the biblical call to generosity, justice, and mercy. As we strive against indifference to need, may this Scripture cause us to consider any misuse of resources, possessions, or money with which God has blessed us. Let God search our hearts and reorder priorities to reflect His values rather than society’s standards. Here are some basic principles from this passage that we should apply to our lives:
Do Not Hoard Earthly Riches That Will Ultimately Decay (vv. 1-3): As James condemns the rich for selfishly hoarding their wealth, this passage warns us not to greedily stockpile earthly riches that will ultimately decay. Wealth often leads to greed, as James warns. Earthly riches do not last; they decay and fade in value. Rather than hoarding possessions and money selfishly, believers should use resources to glorify God and bless others. Wise stewardship means generously sharing instead of stockpiling for oneself. Materialism chains people to things of this world rather than freeing them to focus on the eternal. Even the finest clothes get moth-eaten and gold loses its luster over time. Instead of trusting in uncertain riches, trust in the Lord and store up heavenly treasures that will never disappear. Make giving a priority now before money becomes useless in the future. Resist pampering yourself with extravagant luxuries when others lack basic necessities. True joy comes from using finances to spread the gospel and meet needs, not furnishing a mansion for oneself. Check motives to ensure generosity flows from love not pride (Matthew 6:19-21, 1 Timothy 6:6-10, 1 Timothy 6:17-19).
Food for thought: What changes might the Lord want me to make in how I spend and give? Do I tend toward greed or generosity with what He has given me? Am I seeking satisfaction in accumulation or finding contentment and purpose in eternal things?
Keep Your Commitments to Others (v. 4): As James condemns employers who fail to pay proper wages, this verse challenges us to honor all our obligations and commitments to others. Whether an official contract or informal agreement, Christians should have integrity in keeping promises made. Do not look for excuses to wiggle out of what you said you would do. Make timely payments without forcing people to battle for compensation owed. Prioritize meeting needs rather than increasing personal profits. Beyond legal requirements, treat employees, contractors and vendors with generosity out of love. Be known for dependability, not dishonest dealings. Remember that God sees every transaction and cares how you conduct business. Ask Him for help if struggling financially to avoid falling behind. Choose trustworthiness over questionable practices that skimp or deceive those counting on you. Settle debts fully, so money worries do not hinder relationships. Model selflessness instead of abandoning obligations (Psalm 15:4-5, Proverbs 3:27-28, Luke 16:10-12).
Food for thought: Do I follow through when I commit to something or casually make promises I do not keep? Am I known for doing what I say I will do? Do I look for ways to honor my word out of Christlike compassion?
Do Not Indulge Yourself While Forgetting the Needy (vv. 5-6): As James rebukes the rich for self-centered indulgence at the expense of the poor, this passage challenges us not to pamper ourselves while ignoring the needy. It is easy to become absorbed in comforts and pleasures, unconsciously turning a blind eye to those struggling in poverty. Do not allow your conscience to be numbed but actively increase your awareness of how the less fortunate suffer. Choosing extravagance for oneself while disregarding mercy for others offends our Creator. True religion requires caring for widows, orphans and the vulnerable without partiality or neglect. Overflowing abundance should produce overflowing generosity. Check that spending patterns reflect full surrender to God rather than conformity to culture. Repent of seeking sumptuous experiences for self while remaining insensitive to painful deprivation nearby. The Lord calls all with means to refrain from overindulgence in non-essentials so as to supply basics for the impoverished. Hear the prophets’ cry for justice and God’s expectation to loose chains of oppression. Judgment awaits those ignoring misery around them (Proverbs 14:21, 31, Galatians 2:9-10, Isaiah 58:3-7).
Food for thought: Does my lifestyle display awareness of those with less or obliviousness to real need? Am I striving to align my compassion and giving with God’s standards instead of societal norms?
The uncompromising language of James 5:1-6 confronts us about areas where our priorities may have drifted from kingdom values to cultural comforts. This passage calls followers of Jesus to re-examine our use of resources, treatment of others, and response to poverty through the lens of eternity. When we stand before God, hoarded wealth and wasted surplus will seem tragic with so many unreached and unhelped. Rather than being lulled into self-centered living, Christ’s love must compel us to break free from conformity to give generously, act justly and share liberally with those lacking essentials. Our mission is advancing the gospel through words and actions that reveal His compassion and power. May this sobering warning stir us to live simpler so we can give greater attention and means to reaching the lost, feeding the hungry and healing the hurting in Jesus’ name. The eternal destiny of souls hangs in the balance. By God’s strength, may indifference toward need give way to personal life change and public justice flowing from hearts realigned with above rather than tuned into below.
Dear Heavenly Father,
I pray that You would reveal any greed, indulgence, or disregard for the needy that I harbor. Create in me generous empathy, compassionate urgency, and selfless obedience in using what You have given me to honor You and help others. Forgive me for overspending on comforts without considering gospel opportunity. Empower me to reflect Your kingdom values rather than cultural norms when it comes to bold giving, simple living and caring for those who suffer poverty and injustice. Thank You for entering this broken world to redeem and restore what was lost. I long to follow Your example and live a poured-out life for the fame of Your name.
I pray these things in the most precious name of Jesus, Amen.
James 5:1 – “Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries which are coming upon you.” With His Blessings, Pastor Corby