Colossians 1:9–14 - 9 For this reason also, since the day we heard of it, we have not ceased to pray for you and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, 10 so that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; 11 strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for the attaining of all steadfastness and patience; joyously 12 giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in Light. 13 For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, 14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
What does today’s passage say?
In today's passage, Paul tells how he petitions God to fill the Colossian followers with divine insight and understanding about His purposes (vv. 9-10) so they can make choices each day that please and honor Christ by producing good deeds in their lives. He gives praise to God for empowering them to stand firm, endure, and have inner gladness (vv. 11-12) even when troubles come into their lives. Paul celebrates their deliverance and pardon (vv. 13-14) which God has given them by freeing them from evil and guilt and bringing them into the kingdom of His Son Jesus where they can serve Him with joyful liberty.
How can I apply Colossians 1:9-14 to my life?
Today, Paul overflows with thankful prayer and praise to God for the lavish spiritual blessings given all those rescued from darkness into Christ's kingdom. Though facing adversity living as aliens in a pagan culture, the early church abounded with joy and gratitude because of their glorious inheritance in God's Son. They had been miraculously transformed from captives chained in misery to liberated sons and daughters of the Most High. Additionally, Paul recognized God's mighty enablement that equipped these new converts to walk in a manner worthy of their calling with patience, persistence and good fruit. As we explore this passage, may we join Paul in rejoicing exuberantly over God's gracious redemption, forgiveness, and empowerment so freely bestowed upon all who place faith in Jesus Christ. Here are some basic principles from this passage that we should apply to our lives:
1. Pray For Spiritual Wisdom and Understanding of God's Will So You Will Be Able to Live for Him (vv. 9-10): Paul's prayer for wisdom and understanding should lead us to ask God for the same thing. Knowing God's will equips us to follow it in how we live. Studying the Bible gives us insight into God's plans and purposes. With this knowledge, we can make choices each day that please and honor Him. Even small decisions can reflect our desire to obey God when we understand what He wants. Paul did not pray for superficial information but for deep comprehension that transforms one's life. As we grow in grasping God's will, we will naturally bear good fruit through our actions. We should strive to align our daily walk with God’s will. Pray continuously for divine wisdom. Then your life will flow out of obedience to Him (Ephesians 1:17-19; Ephesians 5:15-17; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-22).
Food for Thought: What evidence in your daily choices shows comprehension of God's grand purposes? How could you pray more fervently for divine wisdom to transform mundane moments?
2. Give Thanks to God for Enabling You to Have Persistence, Patience and the Blessings of Salvation (vv. 11-12): Paul's prayer of thanksgiving recognizes God's empowering work in the believer's life. Just as the Colossians were strengthened by divine might, so God desires to equip us. He graciously gives inner fortitude to endure hardship, manifesting steadfast persistence through trying circumstances. Rather than struggling in our own feeble power, His Spirit enables patient perseverance. Additionally, the Father enabled the Colossians to share in the saints' inheritance by delivering them from darkness into Jesus' kingdom. We too have been rescued from sin and misery into the security of salvation. This free gift merits our continual praise and thanksgiving. Despite facing hostility in a pagan culture, the early church overflowed with joyful gratitude for God's enablement and redemption. Their kind of vibrant worship beckons us to do the same today. Although we tend to fixate on physical troubles, we should instead lift our gaze to the heavenly realities secured by the Jesus. Our eyes glimpse but a fraction of God's eternally glorious kingdom but with this perspective, persistence through our current afflictions seems lighter. As recipients of the lavish blessings of salvation, our lives should be overflowing with thanksgiving (Romans 5:3-5; James 1:2-4; Hebrews 10:32-39).
Food for thought: What difficult situation requires God's enablement to perseveringly endure? Why can you live with hope-filled patience because of your eternal inheritance?
3. Rejoice in Your Freedom from Darkness Through the Redemption and Forgiveness of Christ (vv. 13-14): God powerfully rescued the Colossians from sin's darkness into Christ's kingdom of light. They were set free from oppression into joyful service of their King. Paul celebrates their redemption through Jesus' sacrifice which provided complete forgiveness. The weight of guilt was lifted by His atoning work. Though we often minimize this gift, we should respond with overflowing rejoicing. In Christ, our souls have been released from sin's chains into the freedom of being God's beloved children! Remembering this tremendous grace should make praise and thanks fill our hearts. Despite hard times, the Light within us cannot be extinguished. When troubles come, we should let inner joy resound for redemption's freedom. As those alive in Christ, be grateful you have been eternally rescued from darkness's rule! (Isaiah 9:2; John 8:36; 1 Peter 2:9)
Food for thought: How does recalling your rescue from darkness by Christ lift your spirit in trials? Why should forgiven believers overflow with praise?
In exploring this passage, we have seen Paul's overflowing praise and thanksgiving to God for the Colossians' glorious redemption, forgiveness, and empowerment in Christ. Though facing troubles in an unbelieving culture, they rejoiced in their rescue from darkness and God’s gift of sharing eternally in the saints' inheritance. As those now alive in God's Son, we too should live with constant gratitude, allowing praise to permeate every circumstance. Despite difficulties, we can persevere with patience as the Spirit enables. Our view of temporary trials is transformed when we glimpse the unfading glory of our secured position in Christ. May persistent thanksgiving and joy be the standard in our lives for the tremendous blessings lavished on us through Jesus' atoning sacrifice.
Dear Heavenly Father,
I pray that You would fill my heart continuously with praise and thanksgiving as I reflect on the blessings of redemption, forgiveness, and empowerment I have received through faith in Christ. I ask You to give me wisdom to comprehend Your will so that my life may honor You. I pray that You would help me to develop patience and strength to persevere in doing good works that reveal Your Spirit working within me. Remind me often of the glorious inheritance stored up for me with the saints so that I view earthly troubles in their proper perspective. I pray that my life would be characterized by joy that overflows from understanding all that You have graciously given me through Jesus my Lord.
I pray these things in the most precious name of Jesus, Amen.
Colossians 1:12 – “giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in Light.”
With His Blessings,
Pastor Corby