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Shining God's Light (Micah 5:7-15)

Writer's picture: Corby AngleCorby Angle

Micah 5:7–15 - 7 Then the remnant of Jacob Will be among many peoples Like dew from the Lord, Like showers on vegetation Which do not wait for man Or delay for the sons of men. 8 The remnant of Jacob Will be among the nations, Among many peoples Like a lion among the beasts of the forest, Like a young lion among flocks of sheep, Which, if he passes through, Tramples down and tears, And there is none to rescue. 9 Your hand will be lifted up against your adversaries, And all your enemies will be cut off. 10 “It will be in that day,” declares the Lord, “That I will cut off your horses from among you And destroy your chariots. 11 “I will also cut off the cities of your land And tear down all your fortifications. 12 “I will cut off sorceries from your hand, And you will have fortune-tellers no more. 13 “I will cut off your carved images And your sacred pillars from among you, So that you will no longer bow down To the work of your hands. 14 “I will root out your Asherim from among you And destroy your cities. 15 “And I will execute vengeance in anger and wrath On the nations which have not obeyed.” What does today’s passage say? Though Israel will be small, the Lord will preserve them in the end times (v. 7). The believing remnant will be dispersed globally but achieve victory through Christ's power (vv. 8-9). The Lord will remove weaponry and cities that Israel trusts for security so she will rely on Him alone (vv. 10-11). He will also destroy all idols and pagan objects from the land so Israel worships Yahweh only (vv. 12-14). Any nation opposing the Lord will face judgment by His anger, wrath and firm rule (v. 15). Ultimately, Jesus will regather faithful Israel, purge false worship, judge enemies, and reign during the Millennium when Israel trusts in Him fully. How can I apply Micah 5:7-15 to my life? These verses contain timely messages for both ancient Israel and modern day followers of Jesus. God makes promises concerning His future preservation and purification of Israel while also warning enemies who oppose Him and His people. For contemporary believers, this passage reminds us that the Lord cares for and empowers those who trust in Him, even when facing hardship or small odds by worldly estimates. God also expects and enables His people to rely fully on Him rather than alternative securities. He accepts no rivals to His rightful supremacy in our lives. Additionally, while God patiently postpones judgment to allow more time for repentance, the day fast approaches when He will punish rebellion and reward the saved. The principles in this passage help anchor us in God’s strength through trials, root us more exclusively in Christ above all, and spur us to redemption’s urgent call in light of eternity. Here are some basic principles from this passage that we should apply to our lives:

  1. Trust In The Lord's Power And Protection During Trials (vv. 7-9): In these verses, Micah tells us that even when God's people face trials and are small in number, the Lord promises to preserve, protect, and give victory through His power. When we as followers of Jesus undergo difficult times, we can trust that the Lord cares for us. Even when our faith feels weak and victory seems unlikely by human standards, the Lord specializes in miraculously sustaining His children. He enables ordinary believers to live fruitful lives that refresh others and accomplish great things for His glory. When opposition arises in our families, churches, communities, or nations for living obediently, we never face those giants alone. The Lord Himself shepherds us as the perfect Provider and Defender of our souls. Jesus leads us not into defeat, but into ultimate triumph through union with Him and the authority given to us in His name. Just as God strengthened the Messianic hope of Israel in ancient times, He wants to renew our hope now by His Spirit. As we fix our eyes on the supremacy and care of Christ, fear gives way to faith. We can trust God to guard our lives while transforming us inwardly to reflect His Lion-like bravery. Let us not cower before earthly trouble or giants because our Savior reigns as the undefeated reigning Lamb (Romans 8:31-39, Psalm 23:1-6, Psalm 27:1-6).

Food for Thought: Why is it easy to feel afraid or overwhelmed by opposition even when we know Jesus has authority over every enemy? What stories in the Bible remind you of God's power and willingness to preserve His people against all odds?

  1. Depend Fully On The Lord Rather Than Worldly Securities (vv. 10-11): Here, through Micah, the Lord promises to remove all competing sources of security that could undermine Israel’s reliance on Him alone. For followers of Jesus, this serves as a reminder for us to depend completely on God rather than trusting in worldly solutions for safety and provision. When we face threats, we often scramble to control outcomes, leaning on financial savings, insurance policies, health plans, or influential connections as our first line of protection. Yet Scripture urges us to entrust our wellbeing to the care of our eternal Father. He sits enthroned above every earthly system and longs for His children to confidently anchor themselves in Him alone. Though responsible planning has its place, our security mindsets drift from faith toward fear when we exchange total confidence in God for confidence in worldly securities. Yet human solutions always prove limited. As Christ-followers, we take practical actions while also releasing control of situations and outcomes to the Lord. His power to preserve and provide exceed what any institution can offer. As we intentionally shift reliance away from earthly safety nets and toward our Heavenly Father, our adventures with Jesus deepen. Our roots in His faithful character grow sturdier than any fortress humans could erect. We can stake our entire lives on Him (Psalm 20:7, Psalm 33:16-22, Proverbs 18:10-11) .

Food for Thought:  What worldly securities do you typically trust in first before taking concerns to God? What shifts in mindset would relying on God first require from you?

  1. Devote Yourself Exclusively To The Lord By Removing Idols from Your Life (vv. 12-14): In verses 12-14, God declares that idols and false sources of worship have no place in the lives of God's devoted people. For Christians, this reminds us to examine our lives through the power of the Holy Spirit and willingly remove anything that rivals the Lord's rightful and preeminent place over us. Idolatry takes subtler forms today as we elevate people, possessions, passions, or prominence over knowing Christ above all. Yet Jesus alone is worthy to occupy the throne of our hearts. When lesser loves edge out supreme love for God, our souls suffer the consequences. As we inventory the priorities competing for our affections, the Lord stands ready to help us detach from idols. We can ask Him to show us and remove from our lives anything to which we give worth or devotion that belongs to Him alone - whether ambition, relationships, entertainment, success, or self-reliance. As we yield supposed treasures to God’s transforming power, He replaces them with His enduring presence and fullness of joy. The Lord wants our supreme delight and dependence, not because He is egocentric, but because nothing else satisfies our deepest needs like He can. As we entrust strained areas to Jesus’ healing and realign around Him, we experience wholeness and purpose afresh. Our lives should reflect the value of knowing Christ above all (Exodus 20:3-6, Psalm 16:1-11, 1 John 5:21).

Food for Thought: What thoughts or activities could be subtle “idols” that you need to surrender fully to God? What might it look like to enjoy those things in a healthy way?

  1. Recognize That God Will Judge Those Who Reject Him As their Lord (vv. 15): Finally as we wrap up Micah 5, God promises to ultimately judge all those who defy or ignore Him as their rightful Lord. For modern day Jesus-followers, this serves as a sobering reminder of everyone's accountability before their Creator to worship Him alone as supreme. Though the grace, mercy, and patience of God delays judgment so more may come to repentance, Scripture warns that a final reckoning day looms. Christ bore humanity's punishment to rescue lost sinners, yet many spurn His offer of salvation and Lordship. As recipients of God’s redemptive grace, we are responsible to share with urgency the message of repentance and forgiveness of sins through Christ alone. Jesus commissioned all His followers to declare the gospel with the power of the Spirit so that more may become disciples. We must not be silent or complacent about the reality of impending judgment. Let us compellingly warn people of their need for a Savior while also highlighting the mercy available to all who come to Him. May many more forsake worldly rulership and welcome Jesus as supreme Lord before it is too late (Matthew 28:19-20, Romans 10:14-15, 2 Peter 3:9).

Food for Thought: Why does humanity easily dismiss or ignore Jesus’ Lordship today? What solemn realities about final judgment motivate you to appeal to others for repentance? In these verses, we receive an incredible gift - the ability to glimpse God’s mighty plans for our world and anchor our lives in His unshakable promises. Even when chaos surrounds us, we can trust the Lord to preserve and strengthen His people while purging idolatry and judging evil. God specializes in using small numbers and the most unlikely of people for His glory when they rely fully on Him. He faithfully guides believers through hardship into victory and wants us to remove any divided loyalties to enjoy His greatest blessings. While we still plead for more time for the lost, the day fast approaches when Christ will return as supreme Ruler. May Micah’s vision of God’s sovereignty, laid out in these verses, stir us to trust His power, cling to Him above all else, and urgently compel others into the merciful arms of Jesus before it is too late. As we walk with our Good Shepherd, may we live as refreshing ambassadors of His coming Kingdom when He makes all things new. Prayer Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that You would anchor my heart in the confidence of Your care and final victory, even when my mind spirals with questions or my circumstances seem overwhelming. Empower me to trust that You are able to preserve, protect, and use me fruitfully even when I feel small or opposed. Expose any areas where I am relying on worldly securities instead of Your limitless power and presence. I pray that You would reveal any idols that may be subtly usurping Your rightful place over me in my life. Give me grace to remove rivals and remain devoted fully to You as my Supreme Love. Make me desperately urgent to share with others Your offer of salvation before their time runs out. I long to remain safely in Your grasp now and forever. I pray these things in the most precious name of Jesus, Amen.

Micah 5:7 - Then the remnant of Jacob Will be among many peoples Like dew from the LORD, Like showers on vegetation Which do not wait for man Or delay for the sons of men. With His Blessings, Pastor Corby

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