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Finding Forever Security in Jesus' Promises (John 10:22-30)

Writer's picture: Corby AngleCorby Angle

John 10:22–30 - 22 At that time the Feast of the Dedication took place at Jerusalem; 23 it was winter, and Jesus was walking in the temple in the portico of Solomon. 24 The Jews then gathered around Him, and were saying to Him, “How long will You keep us in suspense? If You are the Christ, tell us plainly.” 25 Jesus answered them, “I told you, and you do not believe; the works that I do in My Father’s name, these testify of Me. 26 “But you do not believe because you are not of My sheep. 27 “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; 28 and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand. 29 “My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand. 30 “I and the Father are one.” 


What does today’s passage say?

In today's passage, Jesus was at the temple during the winter Festival of Dedication when some Jewish leaders gathered around Him. They demanded that Jesus tell them directly if He was truly the Messiah (vv. 22-24). Jesus answered that His miraculous works proved His identity, but they rejected Him because they were not part of His flock (vv. 25-26). Jesus then explained that His true followers recognize His voice and stay close to Him. He gives these faithful followers eternal life, and nothing can ever steal them away from His protection. Jesus stressed that His Father, who is greater than all, gave these people to Him, and no force can grab them from the Father's protection (vv. 27-29). Jesus ended with the powerful statement that He and God the Father exist as one being (v. 30).


How can I apply John 10:22-30 to my life?

Life can be hard. People lose jobs they thought were secure. Relationships crack under pressure. Health problems strike without warning. These jolts shake our confidence and leave us searching for something solid to hold onto. Right in the middle of these universal human struggles, Jesus speaks words that change everything. In these verses, He cuts straight through our anxious attempts to control life and delivers an astounding promise - complete, permanent security for those who belong to Him. The Jewish leaders pushed Jesus to state His identity clearly, probably hoping to trap Him in His words. Instead, Jesus did more than just answer their question - He unveiled the unbreakable connection between Himself and His followers. This passage tackles head-on our deep need to know where we stand with God. Some people spend years trying to earn their way to heaven or wondering if they have done enough to stay saved. Jesus sweeps away these uncertainties with rock-solid promises about who He is and what He guarantees to those who trust Him. His stunning claim of unity with God backs up every word. Here are some basic principles from this passage that we should apply to our lives:

1.    Listen to Jesus' Clear Declaration of His Identity (vv. 22-24): The Jewish leaders surrounded Jesus at the temple and pressed Him to state plainly if He was the Christ. In our modern world of endless opinions and competing beliefs, Jesus stands distinct - His identity demands our response. Some people spend years searching through different religions and philosophies, while the answer stands right before them. It takes courage to face the implications of who Jesus truly is. His identity as God's Son revolutionizes everything! Think about it - the way you handle your money, treat your family, approach your job, even how you spend your free time - all of it changes when you grasp who Jesus really is. Accepting Jesus as the promised Messiah is not just adding religious beliefs to your life; it means surrendering control to the One who created you. Most people want Jesus as a helper or advisor, but His true identity requires so much more. When we really understand that He is God in human flesh, our priorities get turned upside down. His divine identity breaks into our comfortable routines and reshapes our goals. Living with Jesus as Lord means letting His truth guide our relationships, influence our career paths, and direct our daily choices. Some days this feels overwhelming, but that is exactly what happens when finite humans encounter the infinite God (Matthew 16:15-17; Philippians 2:9-11; Colossians 1:15-17).

Food for Thought: What changes have you made in your life because you believe Jesus is the Son of God? How does your belief in Jesus' identity affect your daily decisions and priorities?

2.    Know that True Believers Hear and Follow Jesus' Voice (vv. 25-26): Jesus told the Jewish leaders that His miracles proved His identity, but they did not believe because they were not His sheep. Following Jesus starts with hearing His voice through reading the Bible and putting its truth into action. Many people today say they follow Jesus but pick and choose which parts of His teaching they will accept. Real faith shows up in changed behavior - in the way we talk to others, handle conflicts, and spend our time. When life gets hard, true believers turn to Jesus first instead of looking for quick fixes or worldly solutions. His voice speaks through Scripture, giving direction for marriage problems, work situations, and personal struggles. Following Jesus means letting His words shape our entertainment choices, guide our social media posts, and direct our financial decisions. True believers act differently at work because they serve Jesus, not just their boss. They stay honest in their taxes because they answer to Him. They forgive others because Jesus commands it. Their weekends look different because worship takes priority. Their giving changes because Jesus owns everything. Following Jesus costs something - maybe friends who mock our faith, or opportunities that conflict with His values, or comfort zones we need to leave. But those who truly hear His voice would not trade His leadership for anything (Matthew 7:24-27; John 14:23-24; 1 John 2:3-6).

Food for Thought: What specific changes has following Jesus' voice brought to your daily routines and habits? In what areas of your life do you find it hardest to follow Jesus' commands?

3.    Trust in Jesus' Guarantee of Eternal Security (vv. 27-29): Jesus promised His sheep eternal life, declaring that no one can snatch them from His or the Father's hand. Bank accounts get hacked, homes get robbed, and relationships fall apart - but nothing can break Jesus' grip on those who believe in Him. Sometimes we wake up feeling close to God, while other days our faith feels paper-thin. Yet our security does not rest on these shifting emotions or our spiritual performance. Cancer strikes, jobs disappear, friends betray us - still Jesus holds on. Satan loves to whisper doubts into our minds: "Did you pray enough? Read your Bible enough? Witness enough?" But power to keep us safe towers over our human weaknesses. This rock-solid guarantee changes everything about how we live. We do not have to play spiritual games or maintain a perfect record to stay saved. Instead, we can step out in faith to share the gospel with that difficult neighbor. We can admit our struggles to other believers without fear of judgment. We can face hard times with steady confidence because our future with Christ stands unshakeable. Some people twist this truth into an excuse for careless living - but real security in Christ produces grateful obedience, not lazy rebellion. Our world runs on anxiety, but Christians can show a different way. When your marriage hits rough spots, when your kids wander from God, when your health fails - Jesus' promise holds firm. He will not let go. Your eternal destiny rests in hands that were strong enough to create the universe and loving enough to die on a cross (Romans 8:38-39; Philippians 1:6; 1 Peter 1:3-5).

Food for Thought: How has knowing you are eternally secure in Christ changed the way you handle life's challenges? What fears or worries about your salvation has Jesus' promise of eternal security helped you overcome?

4.    Stand Firm in Jesus' Divine Unity with the Father (v. 30): Jesus made the stunning declaration that He and the Father are one, showing His absolute deity. This reality is what changes everything - the One who died for you shares total unity with the Creator of everything. Parents face tough decisions about their kids' education, workers deal with ethical choices at their jobs, and families navigate complex medical situations. But Jesus' divine nature changes our whole approach. His unity with the Father means every word He spoke carries the full authority of God. Those gossip-filled conversations at work look less appealing when you know they grieve the divine Son. That temptation to cheat on your taxes loses its power when you see it through the eyes of the One who shares God's throne. Jesus' unity with God can transform a boring job into a divine assignment. It turns those annoying neighbors into eternal souls who need to see God's truth lived out. Sometimes people want a Jesus who fits their plans - a nice teacher or a helpful friend. But His oneness with God demolishes our attempts to squeeze Him into comfortable boxes. His divine nature demands total loyalty. Our culture pushes us to keep religion private, but Jesus' unity with the Father affects everything - from how we raise our children to how we spend Saturday nights. When your spouse drives you crazy, when your boss acts unfair, when your friends mock your faith - Jesus' divine power provides strength to respond in godly ways. His unity with the Father means you have heaven's resources backing you up every time you choose to honor Him (Colossians 2:9-10; Hebrews 1:1-3; Titus 2:11-14).

Food for Thought: What areas of your life need to change because Jesus shares full deity with God the Father? How does Jesus' divine nature affect the way you handle everyday situations and decisions?

Jesus makes profound promises in this passage that deliver exactly what our uncertain world lacks - permanent security and purpose. His clear declaration of deity and unity with the Father demands a response. Will we believe or brush aside His astonishing claims? Those who recognize Him for who He truly is become His sheep. They hear and follow His voice no matter where it leads. He promises this loyal flock of believers the incredible gift of eternal life that can never be snatched away. This guarantee releases us from anxiety about earning heaven. It gives freedom and confidence to follow Him into uncharted territory. Yes, obedience often costs us something, but the benefits far outweigh any sacrifices. His presence and power shape everything from daily stresses to major decisions. Every part of life finds meaning when we build on the unshakable foundation of His gospel truth. No matter what storms may come, we can stand firm in this life and the next because we belong to the Great Shepherd. The security He provides transforms our priorities in radical ways as we trust in His promises each day.



Dear Heavenly Father,

I pray that You would open my eyes to see Jesus as He really is - the divine Son of God who shares complete unity with You. When doubts creep in about my salvation, I pray that You would bring these promises from John 10 to my mind. Help me to rest in the absolute security Jesus provides, knowing that nothing can snatch me from His strong hands or Yours.

I pray that You would give me courage to follow wherever Jesus leads, even when His voice calls me to difficult choices or uncomfortable situations. Transform my everyday decisions - my words, my actions, my attitudes - to match the truth that I belong to the Great Shepherd. Let my life show others the difference it makes to be held secure in Your grasp.

When problems shake my confidence, I pray that You would help me stand firm on Jesus' promises instead of my feelings. Give me boldness to share these amazing truths with people who need to hear them. Work in my heart so that my response to Your security produces grateful obedience instead of careless living. Thank You for the incredible gift of eternal life through faith in Your Son.

I pray these things in the most precious name of Jesus, Amen.


John 10:27-28 - 27 “ 27 My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; 28 and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand.”



With His Blessings,

Pastor Corby

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