John 11:38–44 - 38 So Jesus, again being deeply moved within, came to the tomb. Now it was a cave, and a stone was lying against it. 39 Jesus said, “Remove the stone.” Martha, the sister of the deceased, said to Him, “Lord, by this time there will be a stench, for he has been dead four days.” 40 Jesus said to her, “Did I not say to you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?” 41 So they removed the stone. Then Jesus raised His eyes, and said, “Father, I thank You that You have heard Me. 42 “I knew that You always hear Me; but because of the people standing around I said it, so that they may believe that You sent Me.” 43 When He had said these things, He cried out with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come forth.” 44 The man who had died came forth, bound hand and foot with wrappings, and his face was wrapped around with a cloth. Jesus said to them, “Unbind him, and let him go.”
What does today’s passage say?
In today's passage, Jesus goes to Lazarus's tomb. It was a cave with a large stone covering its entrance. When Jesus tells the people to take away the stone, Martha objected because the body had been there for four days and would smell terrible (vv. 38-39). Jesus answered that she would see God's amazing power if she believed, so they moved the stone away (vv. 40-41). Jesus then spoke to His Father out loud so the crowd would understand that God had sent Him. With tremendous authority, He shouted for Lazarus to come out. Immediately, the dead man came walking out, still wrapped in his burial cloths. Jesus told the people to unwrap him and let him go (vv. 42-44).
How can I apply John 11:38-44 to my life?
Death can slam the door on our hope and mocks our powerlessness to change what seems so permanent. The tomb of Lazarus stood as a cold reminder of this brutal reality - four days of death had locked away all human possibilities. But Jesus walked straight up to that sealed grave and shattered every natural law about death's finality. This wasn't just another miracle. Jesus picked this moment to prove His authority over humanity's greatest enemy. The crowd that day saw something beyond their wildest imaginations: a decomposing body suddenly alive again, a dead man walking out wrapped in burial cloths. Some people's jaws dropped in awestruck faith. Others crossed their arms in stubborn denial. Nothing has changed today when people meet Jesus's supernatural power. This miracle shouts a truth we desperately need - Jesus holds power over death itself. That same divine voice that blasted through a tomb's darkness still brings life to spiritually dead hearts in our time. Every impossible situation, each hopeless circumstance bows before His authority. When doubts creep in or problems tower over us, Lazarus walking out alive reminds us that Jesus's power knows no limits. Here are some basic principles from this passage that we should apply to our lives:
1. Trust Jesus' Authority Even When Circumstances Look Hopeless (vv. 38-39): Jesus stood before a sealed tomb containing Lazarus's body, which had been decomposing for four days. Life brings situations that look utterly impossible to overcome, yet Jesus wants us to put our complete trust in His power and authority. Our human minds tell us what cannot happen based on our limited understanding, just as Martha saw only the physical reality of death and decay. The next time a situation appears beyond hope, we need to look past what our eyes see and trust in the unlimited power of Jesus Christ. This truth applies to physical needs, emotional struggles, or spiritual battles that tower over us. Bad medical reports, broken relationships, or overwhelming financial problems all bow to Jesus's authority. The same power that raised Lazarus still works in our lives today. When we face situations that seem final or irreversible, Jesus calls us to push aside our doubts and trust His divine capability. Every seemingly hopeless circumstance becomes an opportunity to experience His supernatural intervention. Taking our eyes off the impossibility and fixing them on Jesus's authority opens the door for God to display His power. The size of our problem does not matter because Jesus holds authority over every aspect of life and death. Our role is to stay faithful and expectant, knowing Jesus can do what no human power can accomplish. His authority extends beyond any natural law or human limitation (Matthew 19:26; Ephesians 3:20; Jeremiah 32:27).
Food for Thought: What situation in your life right now seems completely hopeless from a human perspective? How does knowing Jesus has authority over death change your view of impossible situations?
2. Follow Jesus' Instructions with Faith, Not Doubt (vv. 40-41): Jesus gave clear instructions to remove the stone from Lazarus's tomb, linking their obedience to seeing God's glory. God's directions often come at unexpected times and in ways that challenge our normal thinking patterns. Sometimes He speaks through His Word with instructions that go against our culture's values. Other times, the Holy Spirit nudges us toward actions that make our palms sweat and our hearts beat faster. Rolling away that stone looked crazy to the crowd at Lazarus's tomb – after all, a four-day-old corpse lay inside. Yet Jesus expected simple obedience. We face similar tests of faith today. The boss treats us unfairly, and Jesus tells us to respond with kindness. Our bank account looks thin, but God points us toward generous giving. A difficult relationship needs confrontation, yet fear holds us back. These moments force us to choose between our comfort and God's commands. The size of our task does not matter to Jesus – He cares about our willingness to act on His words. True faith steps forward into action, even with shaking knees and racing thoughts. Each step of obedience, no matter how small, opens new pathways for God's power to flow. When we put His instructions into practice, others notice the difference in our lives. Our obedience might look foolish at first, but Jesus always has a bigger purpose in mind. He works through our willing hearts to show His power to a watching world (Joshua 1:9; Hebrews 11:6; James 2:17).
Food for Thought: What instructions from Jesus have you been hesitant to follow because they seem difficult or do not make sense? In what specific ways can you demonstrate more faith-filled obedience this week?
3. Witness the Glory of God Through Jesus' Miracles (vv. 42-44): Jesus called out to Lazarus with a loud voice, and the dead man walked out of his tomb wrapped in burial cloths. God shows His power in big and small ways throughout our daily lives. Sometimes He moves in dramatic fashion - healing a terminal illness or rescuing someone from a deadly addiction. Other times, His work appears in quieter moments: giving strength to face another day of chronic pain or bringing unexpected money just when bills come due. These modern miracles matter because they show people that Jesus is alive and active right now. Your coworker might dismiss biblical accounts of miracles, but they cannot easily explain away the visible change in your life since trusting Christ. That neighbor who watches you handle a crisis with supernatural peace starts asking questions about your faith. God's power at work in us becomes a bright light that draws curious people closer to Jesus. Some will react with doubt or try to find other explanations for what God has done, much like the religious leaders did when Lazarus walked out of his tomb. Yet facts remain facts - God's supernatural work leaves marks that human reasoning cannot erase. He still breaks chains of sin, heals broken hearts, restores ruined marriages, and transforms the most hardened people into new creations. Your story of God's work might be exactly what someone else needs to hear to take their first step toward faith in Jesus. The key is staying alert to spot God's handiwork and then speaking up boldly when He gives the chance to share. Each testimony of His power builds another bridge for someone to cross from doubt to belief. Our role is simple but vital - we watch for His miracles and tell others what we have seen Him do (Psalm 96:3; Acts 1:8; 1 Peter 3:15).
Food for Thought: What miracle has God done in your life that you could share with someone who needs encouragement? How can your testimony of God's work help others believe in Jesus's power?
The raising of Lazarus stands as one of Jesus's most powerful demonstrations of His authority over death. This miracle goes beyond just bringing a dead man back to life - it shows us exactly who Jesus is and what He can do in our lives today. When we face situations that look completely hopeless, Jesus proves His power reaches far beyond any human limitation. Our role is to trust His authority even when circumstances tell us change is impossible. Following His instructions with active faith opens the door for God to work in amazing ways. Each time we obey, no matter how difficult or unusual His directions might seem, we create space for His supernatural power to flow. God still performs miracles, both dramatic and quiet, that show Jesus remains active and powerful in our world. These displays of His glory build our faith while drawing others toward belief in Him. The same voice that called Lazarus from the tomb continues speaking life into dead situations today. Nothing sits beyond His reach - no problem too complex, no heart too hard, no circumstance too far gone. Jesus's authority over death gives us confidence that He holds power over everything we face.
Dear Heavenly Father,
I pray that You would help me fully understand and embrace the truth that Jesus has complete power and authority over death itself. When I face situations that seem hopeless or impossible to fix, I pray You would remind me that nothing stands outside of Christ’s capability and might.
I pray that You would give me strong faith to obey Jesus’ instructions even when they do not make sense to me or seem extremely difficult. Strengthen me to step out in action based on His words instead of letting fear or doubt hold me back.
I pray You would open my eyes each day to see modern miracles that show Jesus remains actively powerful in my life and world. Help me notice both dramatic and quiet displays of Your supernatural work so I can share my testimony with people who need encouragement.
I pray that You would use my stories of Your miracles to draw doubting hearts closer to belief in Christ. I pray that You would build my confidence to know that if Jesus could raise Lazarus from four days in the grave, He surely has authority over any situation or hardship I face.
I pray these things in the most precious name of Jesus, Amen.
John 11:40 - Jesus said to her, “Did I not say to you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?”
With His Blessings,
Pastor Corby